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Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna (Italy)

CRS4 (Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) is an interdisciplinary research centre developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of High Performance Computing, to the solution of large scale computational problems, and developing innovative applications in the field of the Information and Communications Technology.

CRS4 has developed a twenty years long experience of CFD simulation applied to the Accelerator Driven System (ADS) and Gen-IV nuclear reactors cooled by heavy liquid metals: first in National funded Programs (TRASCO), then at the European Level, contributing to the MEGAPIE experiment at PSI, the IP PDS-XADS (FP5), in the IP EUROTRANS (FP6), in the IP THINS, CDT, SEARCH and MAXSIMA (FP7) while having recently concluded the H2020 SESAME and MYRTE projects. CRS4's contributions have always been performed in close interaction with its partners, mainly ENEA, Ansaldo and SCK CEN.

Contact persons

Vincent Moreau

Manuela Profir

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