Domains & work packages
Domain 1: Partioning (Domain lead: CEA)
- WP1
WP title: Basic data acquisition
Lead participant: UHEI- WP2
WP title: Process development
Lead participant: FZJ- WP3
WP title: Conversion
Lead participant: CEA
Domain 2: Transmutation (Domain lead: POLIMI)
- WP4
WP title: Gas and fission products behaviour under irradiation: thermo-chemical properties of Am-bearing fuel
Lead participant: TU Delft- WP5
WP title: Improvement of modelling and fuel performance codes
Lead participant: POLIMI- WP6
WP title: Application to simulation in normal conditions and off-normal conditions
Lead participant: CEA
Domain 3: Driver fuel and core safety (Domain lead: SCK CEN)
- WP7
WP title: Fuel clad behaviour
Lead participant: SCK CEN- WP8
WP title: Driver fuel safety
Lead participant: RATEN- WP9
WP title: Fuel assembly safety
Lead participant: KIT
Domain 4: ADS System Safety (Domain lead: NRG)
- WP10
WP title: Accelerator and beam line safety and reliability
Lead participant: CERN- WP11
WP title: System thermal hydraulics safety
Lead participant: ENEA- WP12
WP title: Chemistry control experiments and modelling
Lead participant: PSI
Domain 5: Management, Education and Training (Domain lead: SCK CEN)
- WP13
WP title: Management
Lead participant: SCK CEN- WP14
WP title: Knowledge management, education and training
Lead participant: IVKDF