Joint Research Centre – European Commission (EU)
The Directorate General-Joint Research Centre is the European Commission's science and knowledge service. Its mission is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. Its work has a direct impact on the lives of citizens by contributing with its research outcomes to a healthy and safe environment, secure energy supplies, sustainable mobility and consumer health and safety. The JRC hosts specialist laboratories and unique research facilities and is home to thousands of scientists working to support EU policy. The JRC has ten Directorates and is located across five EU Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain).
The Directorate involved in this project is Directorate G – Nuclear Safety and Security within which the JRC's nuclear work programme, funded by the EURATOM Research and Training Programme, is carried out. It contributes to the scientific foundation for the protection of the European citizen against risks associated with the handling and storage of highly radioactive material, and scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of community policies related to nuclear energy. Research and policy support activities of Directorate G contribute towards achieving effective safety and safeguards systems for the nuclear fuel cycle, to enhance nuclear security then contributing to achieving the goal of low carbon energy production.
The research programmes are carried out at the JRC sites in Germany (Karlsruhe), Belgium (Geel), The Netherlands (Petten) and Italy (Ispra) and consist of research, knowledge management and training activities on nuclear safety and security. They are performed in collaboration and/or in support to the EU Member States and relevant international organizations. Today the Directorate G is one of the leading nuclear research establishments for nuclear science and technology and a unique provider of nuclear data measurements. Typical research and policy support activities are experimental and modelling studies covering nuclear reactor and fuel cycle safety, including current and innovative nuclear energy systems. Fundamental properties, irradiation effects and behaviour under normal and accident conditions of nuclear fuels and structural materials are studied. The activities also cover studies of structural integrity and functioning of nuclear components, emergency preparedness and radioactivity environmental monitoring, nuclear waste management and decommissioning, as well as the study of non‐energy technological and medical applications of radionuclides. A dedicated functional entity is devoted to the management and dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate open access to JRC nuclear facilities including training and education.
Contact persons
Rudy Konings
Elio D’Agata
Ondrei Beneš
Matthias Bruchhausen
Daniel Freis
Karl-Frederik Nilsson
Arndt Schubert
Draigos Staicu
Thierry Wiss
Kamil Tuček
Paul Van Uffelen