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Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (France)

Created in 1945, the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) is a French government-funded institution playing a major role in research, development and innovation. CEA operates in the fields of nuclear energy, defence and security, technological research for industry, as well as of fundamental research both in physics and life sciences. The CEA is behind the development of the French nuclear industry and provides scientific and technical support to the French government as well as to the definition of the short, medium and long-term French energy policies. CEA comprises approximately 16 000 staff at 10 research centres and has at its disposal a unique set of facilities, in particular supercomputing centre, research reactors, hot laboratories, large facilities for physics. It works with numerous other research bodies, local authorities and universities, and actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.

The Directorate of EnergieS (CEA/DES) notably addresses research on current reactors and fuels in support to nuclear industry, and is working on the development and qualification of future reactors, fuels and fuel cycles for Generation IV systems. This is in particular achieved in strengthening the partnerships with other research agencies, universities and academic institutions, and thanks to collaboration to international projects, especially in Europe within EURATOM.

Contact persons

Stéphane Bourg

Fabienne Delage

Philippe Guilbaud

Gilles Leturcq

Christian Sorel

Cécile Marie

Annelise Gallais-During

Nathalie Chauvin

Marc Lainet

Marjorie Bertolus

Michel Freyss

Christine Geuneau

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