PATRICIA Summer School, 4 - 8 March 2024
The course was held at the INSTN location in Marcoule, France (4MRW+5R Bagnols-sur-Cèze, 30 km from Orange)
INSTN/UEM Centre CEA de Marcoule - BP 17171 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze
Young researchers, PhD students, post-doctorates and engineers
Organized in the frame of the International School of Nuclear Engineering (ISNE)
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes: describe the main stages in the fuel cycle and the chemical processes used for fuel reprocessing; identify the R&D and the possible improvements.
-Fundamentals of fuel cycle: chemistry of actinides and fission products
-Uranium and plutonium reprocessing: scientific basis and process modelling
-Scientific and industrial challenges associated to the Pu-multirecycling
-Minor actinide recycling as a potential option for waste management optimization
-The spent nuclear fuels: MOX and minor actinides fuel refabrication
-Nuclear fuels behaviour under irradiation
-Review on irradiation experiments in Europe
-Technical visits: Atalante and G1 facilities
Free of charge for PATRICIA's young researchers
Registration info
Registrations for the PATRICIA Summer School "Course 5 'Nuclear Fuel Cycle: from Strategy to Processes" must be done by email to Ms Aurélie Michel (aurelie [dot] michel3 [at] cea [dot] fr) Registration deadline: 1st December 2023